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Black Hebrew Israelites

Black Hebrew Israelites believe they are the descendants of ancient Israelites, although African religious roots point to Animism. (all creatures and objects possess a spirit. Anima = breath, spirit, life).  BHI reject the Trinity and refer to God as Yah.  Like Jehovah's Witnesses they get wrapped up in how God must be addressed by a certain name. If you don't call on the name of Jesus in Hebrew (Yahshuah) you can't be saved, Even at that, you can't go directly through Yahshuah for salvation. You must go through Israel and follow the law to be saved.  

Matt Slick - Questions Confused "Hebrew Israelite" 

Jesse Watters - Black Hebrew Israelite member speaks out

Vocab Malone - Religions: Engaging with Black Hebrew Israelites

Oklahoma judge strikes restraining order against religious group

Mike Winger / Vocab Malone

Peter builds on this understanding (1 Pet 2:24). 




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